It’s pretty common among sports players to drink something that will keep them aware throughout the game. Whether it’s a simple bottle of water or a vitamin drink, liquids are great ways to get nutrients and boost your energy level. Moreover, by hydrating your body, you ensure that every system in your organism works flawlessly.

Knowing this, you might get the question – do tennis players use such supplemental drinks and should you consider this next time you play tennis? Let’s take a look.

Sugary Drinks Are Not Your Friends

Firstly, we’d like to state the obvious – using any energy drink or soft drink that contains high amounts of sugar is not going to be your best decision. The reason for this is that sugar is not only bad for the oral cavity and body in general, but it also results in a high glucose level. Sugar makes us feel good for a short amount of time, much like caffeine, and what goes up must come down! Usually, after the sugar rush, you’ll likely feel quite sluggish and tired – that’s not what you want when you’re playing tennis.

One Coffee’s Fine, But Don’t Get Carried Away

Caffeine and physical exercises are not exactly the best combination for your heart. However, caffeine can be just the kick you need to cheer up before a long tennis session. These days tons of energy drinks offer super-high doses of caffeine, but we’d recommend giving these a miss. High caffeine content like that will only make you feel jittery and weird, removing your focus from the game. Keep it to one coffee max, and you’re golden.

What Is Inside the Pink Liquid?

We would make a bet that if you’ve ever watched tennis live on the TV, you have seen your favourite player drinking a bottle of pink liquid. What is this liquid – is it raspberry squash? Not quite – these liquids are different brands of energy drinks that contain nutrients, electrolytes, and glucose to refuel the player in between matches. You won’t find any caffeine or sugar in these drinks, and they don’t always taste great. However, you can be sure that they have the perfect splash microelements for your needs.

Plain Old Water

Finally, we couldn’t finish this article without giving an honourable mention of where it all began – water. Water is the best thing to drink regularly to improve your health and performance on the court. Your body will love you for staying hydrated, and you’ll find yourself with better energy levels, focus and endurance when it comes to long tennis sessions. If you think this is a bit boring, why not mix some vitamin powder or some fresh lemon juice to give you that vitamin kick? Ultimately, if you are drinking enough water throughout the day, then you should have high energy levels that you don’t even have to consider consuming an energy drink. H20 is absolutely the ultimate drink for tennis players!


Overall, there are lots of different drinks out there that combine hydration, nutrition, caffeine and flavourings to give us a tasty boost during a long game of tennis. However, we have to say that many of these are not as healthy as they may seem. It’s best to avoid anything containing a lot of sugar or caffeine and stick to simple beverages. However, don’t forget about simple drinks that replenish your organism with electrolytes and vitamins.

Finally, never underestimate the power of water – simply drinking it every day will improve your energy level far better than any caffeine-fuelled energy drink could.